High Stakes Roulette offers experienced players, interested in making more substantial bets, the best casino experience. The high variations of the game typically have larger chip denominations reaching up to £ 500 or the respective amount in the currency of your choice.
As roulette is easily ranked as one of the most popular games of all time, it is not surprising that most online casino operators cater to the needs of high rollers by giving them the opportunity to join their tables of high risk roulette.
By playing high stakes roulette variants online, high rollers have the opportunity to carefully consider their next bet and play the game at their own pace. The game can be quite profitable as it allows players to take as much time as they need to choose and implement a suitable betting strategy. In fact, many roulette fans prefer to play online, as this way they are in control of every aspect of the game, starting with the color of the tablecloth and ending with the time allotted for each spin of the wheel.
It is important to mention that the limits for high risk roulette tables can vary from one online casino to another. Some online gambling operators even offer variations of the game where there is no table limit.
Playing High Roller Roulette online
There are no big differences between high stakes online roulette and the game played at high roller tables in traditional gambling venues. The rules of the game are largely the same and so are the types of bets one can make. There is the option of placing less daring outside bets like Red / Black, Odd / Even and Dozens, as well as riskier inside bets like Straight Up, Split and Corner. In most cases, the minimum of the table is set to. In some online casinos, the maximum bet size depends on the type of bet the player makes. Do a bet is pretty simple. The first thing to do is select your chip value by clicking on the chip with your preferred denomination at the bottom of the screen. The outer edge of the chip will rotate to indicate that this designation has been selected.
In some online variations of the game, the layout of the bets is displayed on the wheel. When you hover your mouse cursor over the betting cloth, each type of bet and its respective payout will be highlighted for your convenience. There is the option to bet on a single number or a combination of numbers.
When you click on a certain betting area, the chip with your preferred denomination will be deposited on the betting cloth in the corresponding box. It is possible to place another bet of the same value or mix chips with different denominations in the same bet. Once you have placed the bet, all you need to do is click the Spin button and wait for the ball to rest so that you can see the result of this draw.
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